The animated short starts with the circus parade, then goes to the circus master, who blows his whistle and points to a horse rider who looks a lot like Minnie Mouse. After her performance, she goes backstage, where she is greeted by her boyfriend, a circus clown who looks a lot like Mickey Mouse. The clown performs his act, and it is then the circus master's turn. He attempts to tame a lion by dancing with it, but the lion beats up the circus master, and the clown laughs at him. The circus master, enraged at this humiliation, decides to screw up the clown's next act by putting an entire barrel's worth of gunpowder into the cannon, and lighting it right when the clown enters. The clown is then hurled into the sky, and the circus master and the horse rider go to a private room, where the horse rider caresses the circus master. The circus clown falls into the room, and is heartbroken to see the incident. He then goes outside the room and sings "Laugh Clown Laugh." While he sings the song, the horse rider runs away from the circus master. She comes back to the clown, who blows her a raspberry.
- Written by Anonymous